Cancellation policy
100% refund 15+ days prior to check-in.
50% refund if 8+ days prior to check-in.
No refund within 7 days of check-in. (In case of no refund, 25% discount will be given for a future stay, within 3 months from prior booking check-in date, if cancellation is intimated at least 3 days prior to check-in)
TeHyCa reserves the right to cancel any booking at anytime without giving any reason even during stay . If for any reason the cancellation is from our side, 100% refund will be given. Your stay can be cancelled by TeHyCa for various reasons, such as critical equipment failure & repair/maintenance, Govt. red alerts, extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, Govt. officials/dignitary/VIP stay/visit, staff shortage etc. TeHyCa also serves as the residence of the founding family and your booking may be cancelled to accommodate their private guests.
TeHyCa reserves the right to cancel booking without refund if its due to guest misbehaviour, illegal activities or any inconvenience/disturbance/safety concerns caused to self/residents/staff of TeHyCa.
In the event of a cancellation, TeHyCa will not provide/arrange alternate accommodation but will give refund as per applicable policy.